Ensuring your child is well-educated in the core competencies such as math, science, reading, writing, and history is of utmost importance. But what about world languages? With our country’s diverse population, it is becoming increasingly beneficial for children to learn more than one language. Learning another language is one of the most valuable things students gain in their academic careers. Here are five benefits to being bilingual!

#1: Strengthens Cognitive Abilities 

Research shows that those who know more than one language have far stronger cognitive abilities. Cognitive skills include attention control, multi-tasking, memory, problem-solving, and audio processing. Children who learn a second language actively sharpen their brains. Therefore, they become better problem-solvers, creative thinkers, and masters of their attention span.

#2: Become Global Citizens

As students learn additional languages, they also become educated on various cultures. Learning about different cultures helps students identify the similarities and differences as they become more empathetic, understanding, and inclusive global citizens.

#3: Opens Academic and Professional Opportunities  

While your child might be a long way away from college or their professional career, it’s not too early to start equipping them with tools to give them an advantage! Communicating with a diverse population of people is very beneficial as a college applicant and in the job market. Those who know more than one language stand out from other candidates and are often more employable, especially for companies that serve multilingual populations. 

#4: Improve Social Skills and Confidence 

When students know more than one language, it significantly increases the number of people they can communicate with! The more people your child can converse with, the more opportunities they have to build meaningful relationships, empathize with others, and improve their social skills. Additionally, knowing a second language can also boost confidence levels!

#5: Bonds Families 

That’s right! When the whole family is improving their bilingual abilities, it improves communication among family members and can enhance emotional bonds. It also increases the number of movies, shows, and music you can enjoy as a family. Raising your children in a bilingual home can also help boost your family’s sense of cultural belonging. 

Being bilingual gives children an advantage and an opportunity to grow into better learners. Support your child’s learning through enrolling them in a school with a bilingual curriculum and practicing with them outside the classroom. Schola can help you discover, connect, and enroll your students in a school with a bilingual program so your children can grow into smart global citizens!